Good health care is the greatest gift that government can give to its people.


Our present system of city, county, state and federal health departments is an expensive duplication of services.



The Smart Medical System has a National Medical Research Center, with branches in every major city, where scientists, engineers, and mathematicians develop and maintain the "Smart System".

To do this, they use Computers, the Internet, and Web Pages (with Links) that connect people with the Research Center by Webcam, Touch Screen, Speech Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Special Data Entry Keyboard, and Check Lists.

Most importantly, the Smart System has

Software that matches symptoms with diseases


prioritizes the diseases.

A symptoms/ disease algorithm.

They also have networks of doctors, clinics, and research centers that support them.

Also, importantly, they create Doctor Placement Tests and Health Care Facility Evaluations Sheets that identifies the expertise of the doctor or facility. For example, Dr. Smith treats Strep throat, Acid Reflux, Ring Worm, High Blood Pressure, etc.

Also, the Smart System suggests tests, diagnosis, treatments, and doctors for people with unique illnesses.

The Research Center assists clinics, doctors, and health care facilities to develop check sheets, such as, the Patient Progress Form for Home Care or Hospital Care. Or, Patient Data Sheets that help improve the Smart Medical System.

Equally important, the National Medical Research Center insures that

  • All doctors and health care facilities are scientifically evaluated for competence and integrity.

  • Doctors' names and the diseases they treat are listed on a Web Page with Links.

  • Beside each disease that the doctor treats are columns that have

  1. The number of patients treated for that disease.

  2. The treatment success rate.

  3. A Link to a page that describes the protocol used to treat the disease. For example, if the doctor uses Cipro to treat Strep Throat, the web page will show Cipro and everything else the doctor does to treat Strep throat.

  4. The National Medical Research Center's rating of the doctor and a rating for the treatment.

  5. The Patient's rating of the doctor and for the treatment.

  6. A link to a Web Page that has reviews of the doctor or health care facility, similar to Amazon's star rating and review of products.

 Burt Smith


Patients Treated



MRC Rating 

Patient Rating







5 Star

5 Star


















Now people can find doctors and the diseases they treat

on the Internet.

The "Smart Medical System" works something like this,

  1. The patient goes online to the National Research Center's website. To communicate with the Web Page, the patient uses a Webcam, Touch Screen monitor, microphone, Special Data Entry keyboard, etc.,
  2. The patient follows the Web Page instructions. Perhaps, the Web Page asks them questions and the patient replies. Or, the Web Page tells them to touch a spot on the picture on their Touch Screen Monitor. Or, the Web Page tells them to stand in front of the Webcam and point to their body and answer questions. Or, the Web Page tells the patient to simply fill out a form that appears on the Web Page with their keyboard or touch pen.
  3. After the Smart System gathers the information and analyzes the data, it sends the patient a sheet which contains tests, diagnosis, treatment, and, most importantly, doctors and health care facilities for the patient to visit (Addresses, phone numbers, fax, email, review of the doctor and the proposed possible treatment, and other important information).
  4. The patient responds to the questions on this final sheet and sends it back. The computer then makes an appointment with the doctor or health care facility that the patient chooses and sends all the information to the doctor's office.
  5. When the patient arrives at the doctor's office, a technician interviews the patient.  The tech has both the patient's sheet from the Smart System and a sheet prepared by the doctor's office. After the interview, the technician combines the 2 sheets onto a third sheet and sends it to the Smart System.
  6. The Smart System processes the new data and creates another prioritized list of tests, diagnosis, treatments, and doctors.
  7. If the computer signifies that everything is correct, the patient meets with the doctor and is treated.
  8. However, if the doctor cannot treat the disease, the doctor fills out another scientifically prepared sheet and enters it into the "smart" system.  Ideally, the System can now identify the illness and the correct doctor. If not, then, the process continues until the patient's illness is correctly identified and the patient is connected to the correct doctor.
  9. If, however, the system can not identify the symptoms or find the correct doctor, then the system refers the patient to the National Medical Research Center where scientists help the patient.


A Smart Medical System

September 18,1998

As I sat in the doctor's office, gazing at the wall, I realized that I was hoping this doctor would help me.  I said to myself, "Wait a minute!  Why am I sitting in a doctors office, for the umpteenth time, wasting my time and money, hoping this doctor will help me?  Why can't I know he will help me?"

Then, I realized that our medical system is not a “smart” system.  Those giant computers in our finest clinics do not compute. They merely store data.  In fact, the only information we’ll find on their computer is a journal of the doctor’s tests, diagnosis and treatment.

So, I said to myself, "Why can't we have a 'smart' system like Solomon Brothers or Goldman and Sachs whose Super Computers match securities with risk and pick the best stocks from around the world? 

"Why can’t our mathematicians, scientists, and engineers develop a program that enables computers to match symptoms with disease and create a prioritized list of tests, diagnosis, treatments, and doctors? 

"With this system, we can use home computers and the Internet to solve our medical problems. Never again will we sit in a doctor’s office, hoping for help, because a “smart” system automatically refers difficult cases to research centers where scientists help us.

"Eventually, this system will connect doctors, health care facilities, and medical institutions worldwide. 

Common illnesses will be treated locally and difficult cases internationally.

This is not futuristic thinking.  It can be done today.

Wall Street already did.

Our medical system is not Rationalized and Integrated

This means it is not reasonable or connected. We can go from doctor to doctor and our search ends with each doctor.

These doctors, clinics, university, county, state, national health departments are not connected, despite the telephones and Online Computers that sit in front of them.

If you confound them with a rare disease, they dismiss you from their world famous clinic, and you go to the next doctor or clinic to see if they know how to treat you.

Call the NIH, CDC, State, County Departments of Health, university, or National Association of doctors and ask for a doctor who can treat a certain disease. They won't know because they are not Integrated,

To give you an example of their lack of Rationalization and Integration, A man called the American Association of Dermatologists and asked for a doctor who could treat a certain disease. 

The receptionist replied, "I wouldn't know that. We don't list the diseases they treat. But, I can give you 3 Dermatologists in your area." (That's not Reasonable).

He said, "Well, it would be helpful to list their expertise on your website."

She replied, "The list would be endless."

He said, "Yes, but, if you listed the doctor and their expertise in Hypertext, people could find the correct doctor in half a minute on the Internet."

She did not reply but gave him the names and numbers of 3 doctors in his area. He called them and none could treat the disease nor refer him to another doctor who could. They also were not Rationalized and Integrated.

Today, people go from doctor to doctor because our system is not

Reasonable and Connected

